
Migraine is a problem that generally affects social life and work efficiency. Medication is effective in reducing attacks temporarily. However, people who do not benefit from pharmacology seek different treatment methods. Especially in problems such as cardiovascular diseases and asthma, drug treatment may not be appropriate.

For this reason, physical therapy methods such as manual technique and exercise can be effective in the clinical field. In studies on exercise for migraine, it is seen that there is a serious decrease in pain intensity as a result of the right exercises. It has been shown to have beneficial effects on reducing the frequency and duration of attacks.

In addition, according to studies, exercise reduces the level of depression and anxiety and increases physical activity power. In patients who regularly do sports such as yoga and pilates, an increase in the success of self-care and a significant decrease in the frequency of migraine attacks can be observed. Manual therapy methods used for migraine can be listed as massage therapy, myofascial release, physiotherapy, chiropractic and various manipulations. Modern physiotherapy focuses on exercise and rehabilitation.

Manual therapy, unlike modern physiotherapy, emphasizes terms such as postural correction, stretching, active and passivity, mobilization and manipulation. All these methods reduce the frequency and duration of migraine attacks and create significant changes in eliminating problems such as anxiety and depression. https://thejournalofheadacheandpain.biomedcentral.com/track/pdf/10.1007/s10194-011-0296-6.pdf